Is Micromanaging Educators Effective?

Ridiculous question, right?

I know, it is a ridiculous question, right? Who would think that micromanaging educators is a good idea? I am sure that you read this title and immediately answered, “Of course not!” Then my question to you is, then why are so many educators being micromanaged right now? Why are teachers micromanaged? In some cases, why are principals micromanaged? If this indeed is a practice that everyone knows is a bad idea, why is it still widely practiced?

Micromanaging, in my opinion, is a result of not having a sense of trust.

Micromanaging, in my opinion, is a result of not having a sense of trust. When I have seen principals who micromanage it is mainly because they do not trust the individuals working for them. They feel as though they have to monitor every detail of a project or activity to ensure that it is completed to their satisfaction. They believe that if they do not have their hands on every task or in every form of communication that somehow things will not get done.

Micromanaging also is a result of insecurity.

Micromanaging is also a result of insecurity. I have also observed supervisors in schools who are very insecure in their position and thus this leads them to believe that those who they lead are out to get them or want their position. So instead of building up leaders, they tear them down. They usually don’t tear them down in public, they will do things like undermine them and tell them that they aren’t doing enough without giving any real guidance or help as to what actually needs to be done.

I experienced this first hand as an educator, even when I was a principal. My best supervisors were the ones that gave me the freedom to do my job and run my school without breathing down my neck. They were there when I needed them and offered support when I needed. If something needed to be corrected, they would tell me in a supportive way and offer help or ideas to get it done.

The end result of having a person who supervises you to micromanage you is the feeling of resentment. The employees begin to resent those in charge, and it makes them want to either stop working for them or just complete the duties as assigned without doing any extra.

Everyone knows that micromanaging is a bad idea however until leaders stop feeling insecure and begin trusting their employees, it unfortunately will continue.


Teachers, how do you make it through the second half of the school year?


Taking Care Of The School Staff…